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Welcome to New Year Radio Venao Festival ❤️

Thank you for your interest in attending.


The purpose of this form -  is to align your expectations with our Family’s values. Please answer in your own words, honestly and thoughtfully.  There is no right or wrong answers. 




There is many festivals in the region,  why us? 

⁠Good faith disclosure 

NY Radio Venao is  Private, local Family event,Created by and for our family and local community of Playa Venao.  It is limited to 300 participants.

If admitted, You will be coming as a guest to a private event, with NO other privileges or entitlements. 

We are a community rooted in harmony, gratitude, and respect, welcoming guests to Playa Venao as our home. We prioritize beautiful behavior, kindness, and shared values, expecting participants to arrive with appreciation, not entitlement. This is a gathering of connection, not a "wild party," and being part of it is a privilege, not a right. ❤️  Read the above, 

Aligning Behavior Expectations

Playa Venao is OUR HOME.
Yes, ALL OF IT ❤️ - Not just the El Sitio HOTEL.
At our home we work, we raise our children, we socialize, we exercise, we play and we rest. At our everyday life We practice kind, considerate, harmonious behavior.

We make constant effort to be courteous, helpful, and demonstrate protective behaviors to all, even when we are tired. 

We are open to receive guests that behave the same everywhere - at Restaurants, SuperMarkets, at the Beach, forest, rivers, public places, Hotels, Villas, and just about anywhere else, even when they far away from the place they call HOME.

Unfortunately in the past we witnessed individuals that behave or feel that all is allowed as long as no one is watching...

We actively keep our home clean. What will you do when you see trash / cigarette buds etc (any type, on the beach, the venue, outside of it) ? (check all that apply)
There are no trash cans, What will you do with your own trash, buds, wraps, gums etc ?


1.⁠ ⁠Respect the Vibe 

We expect polite kind behavior towards people aropund and event staff. We do not tolerate unkind words, vandalism or pranks and wish for all to feel safe and at home.

2.⁠ ⁠⁠No phones

Come to dance and connect with those around you. No smartphone use allowed on the dance floor.  No video-calls.  No photos. Watch the sunrise, not your phone! 

3.⁠ ⁠⁠Abuse of alcohol or drugs.

Be mindful about your consumptions. We are not tolerating extreme intoxication and other inappropriate behavior  within the premises or outside at other venues!

4.⁠ ⁠Leave no trace!

Take all trash, cigarette butts, wrappers with you. Please leave our venues as you found them.

5.⁠ ⁠⁠Bring your own cup. 

Along with leave no trace, we do not provide/serve  disposable cups in the bar. If you want to have a drink - come prepared and we will refill your cup.

6.⁠ ⁠Respect Others.

Here we ask permission to touch, kiss or make physical contact with our dance family. Please respect that some do not want to be touched - ask first.

7.⁠ ⁠Personal Space.

If someone violates your personal space, or if you see someone in an uncomfortable situation - report to security or a Reactor staff. Do not accept this kind of behavior!

8.⁠ ⁠⁠No naked upper bodies at the dancefloor. 

It will be hot, dress up accordingly and bring with you optional clothes to change if needed.

9.⁠ ⁠⁠Respect the Music.

No  screaming or  whistling at the dancefloor, please. For the Love of Music. 

10. Entitlement

Please leave all feelings of “I deserve...” at home. We are here to give, to love and to think of others. Entitlement will not be tolerated.

Radio Venao © 2022

website created by     VENAO              LIFE

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